Maine-ly Chews

They're safe & natural
These are the better alternative to rawhides and unnatural dog treats. Maine-ly chews are non-splintering and more tough than deer and elk antlers. These chews last a long time. Moose antlers are shed every year, and we pick them up fresh from the woods and deliver them to you....there is no middle man, this keeps your costs low!

We share a passion of finding moose's an addiction! We pick up an average of 150 antlers every year. Moose antlers are enjoyed by squirrels, porcupines, rabbits, raccoons, coyotes, bears, and many other animals. Our dog loves them so much that we figured we should make them available to dogs everywhere. Now they can be your dogs maine-ly chews too.
Maine moose antlers found by Stu & Liz. Now available as your dog's maine-ly chews!